Technical Skills
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Nathan Frend


I'm an experienced computer programmer that enjoys writing code for games, web applications, and other things that interest me. I have great experience with web development but have used many different tools and languages over the years of my career. I love problem-solving and completing puzzles so working on interesting projects is one of my favorite hobbies. Feel free to take a look below to learn more about me and what I've worked on.

Web Development

SPOWEEK (current CTO)

I am currently the CTO of the Korean startup SPOWEEK. SPOWEEK is a sports event planning and management service where event planners can accept user applications, manage their teams, and also manage the scores and results for the event.



Allure coffee is a site I have worked on in my free time for a client's coffee shop. The site is responsive and looks great on any device. I created a CMS to allow the owner to easily manage all of the content on the site such as the menu, front page, and images.

The site also uses Naver Store's API to pull items from his Naver store so as users can browse coffees without having to leave the website.

I used the Laravel framework to create this site (just like this one).

allurekopi.com on multiple devices


Working at jobs.ac.uk I was responsible for both Front end and back end development. Working in a small team was a great experience that allowed me to work closely with more senior developers and learn as well as put forwards my own ideas and suggestions. Version control, code review, and using weekly sprint cycles were all used to make sure everything ran smoothly. I helped update the site to be more responsive and modern in its appearance.

Take a look at the site here

iggy.net (now defunct)

IGGY was a website aimed to deliver content to bright students who enjoyed learning. I helped out a few months managing their website myself while they sought a new permanent developer. While there I helped create some useful tools and materials to go on the site including a heavily requested notification system.

Unfortunately, the company has since closed but you can find out more about it here

Technical Skills



No one likes to wait for things to load. One of my main goals when creating anything is to make it fast. Whether that means making something load faster or just work without making your computer sound like a jumbo jet taking off, I aim to optimize my code to deliver the best user experience.


Code that works well and doesn't break is good. Code that does this and is easy to read and update is amazing! I'm well experienced with tools such as git and believe that your code should be understood by even the least tech savvy of engineers in order to stand the test of time. I aim to let the comments write themselves by creating clear code.


In this industry I know that things can change overnight. As such, I'm always trying to stay up to date. Reading blogs, watching seminars, and talking with other engineers are some of the main ways I try to do this. Beyond just updating my current skills, I'm an avid learner who enjoys picking up and playing with new tools to see how they work.


Talking is important in any team. However, I know that listening is just as important and sometimes moreso. I love to pitch my own ideas as well as listen to exciting new ones, too. I'm a firm believer that the original idea is never it's best iteration and communication is key to creating the best product.

Contact Me

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